Pastor Mark and Debbie Brown

Meet our new pastor and wife, Pastor Mark and Debbie Brown. They have five children: Susan, Robin, Jillian, Laura, and Brian. The two older girls are both RNs, one in Wisconsin and the other in Maryland. The twins are students at Maranatha Baptist University (Wisconsin). Brian is finishing his freshman year of high school. Pastor Brown recently completed 19 years as senior pastor at Maple Avenue Baptist Church in Elmira, NY.

Pastor Brown has a B.A. in Bible from Clearwater Christian College; an M.A.B.C. (Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling) from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Minneapolis; and a M.Min. (Master of Ministry) from Baptist Bible Seminary (PA). His wife Debbie has a B.S. in Elementary Education from Clearwater.

The Browns officially started their ministry with us on April 10.

Deacon Board

  • Tom Adams

  • Mark Monro

  • Jake Preston

  • Dan Rhoda

  • Phil Totman